Company Profile
About BFIN
Banking, Finance and Insurance Institute of Nepal is established under Company Act 2063 on August 14, 2018 (2075 Shrawan 29). The main objectives of this Institute are to offer training, workshop and seminar and enhance the knowledge, skills and capabilities of the employees of financial sector and other stakeholders, conduct research and consulting to strengthen the financial sector, offer specific accredited courses and creating data bank for the use of banking community and help strengthen the financial systems in Nepal.
This Institute is promoted by 13 national level institutions represented by commercial banks, development banks, finance companies, capital market institutions and the Emerging Nepal Limited.
Scope of Work
- Training/workshop/Seminars
- Accreditation and academic courses
- Research and Consulting
- Data bank establishment and management
- CSR and Financial Literacy
- Placement services to BFIs
- Any Other Capacity Development and Research work related to financial and corporate sector
About Membership
The membership policy shall apply to all the Institutional Members of BFIN. The Board of BFIN shall review the membership policy from time to time.
Institutional Member of BFIN will enable your Organization to be a part of the Financial Community and will have opportunity to join BFIN’s events and training programs at preferential rates.
Government &Regulating Agencies in Nepal, Commercial Banks, Development Banks, Finance Companies, Micro Credit Institutions, Non-Bank Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies, Capital Market Institutions, Credit Rating Agencies, Development Agencies, Associations and other Public & Private Sector Organizations are eligible to apply for Institutional Membership. Applications for Institutional Membership are reviewed and approved by the designated approving authority of BFIN.
The Institutional members shall abide by the membership policy as prescribed by the BFIN time to time. The following are the obligations of the institutional members:
- Offering suggestions, participation and sharing of knowledge & ideas by being proactive and innovative for the development of the Organization and as a whole for the Industry.
- Commitment to support BFIN by offering AT LEAST20% of budget allocated for training & development of employees or Rs. 30,00,000 (In words: Thirty Lakhs Only), whichever is less inclusive of all the services offered by BFIN.
- Support BFIN to maintain and improve quality of services through feedback and suggestions.
- Each Institutional Member will expressly give consent to the BFIN to use the corporate logo on the website of the BFIN.
- Each Institutional Member shall provide brief profile of their organization and other relevant information to upload on official website of BFIN periodically.
- Pay annual membership fee on time.
- If any member fails to pay subscription in arrears for one year and fails to pay such arrears within three months after a notice has been sent to them by the BFIN management, theirname will be removed from the list of institutional members.
- The designated approving authority of the Institute will have the right to cancel the membership, if in the opinion of the Council, member institution willfully acted in contravention of the Code of Conduct of BFIN.
Membership Register
The BFIN will maintain and update at its official website regularly for visibility to the national and global community.
Application Form
Interested Organizations are requested to fill-up the attached membership form and submit to the following address along with the prescribed annual membership fee. The membership form can also be downloaded from the official website of BFIN.
The annual membership fee either can be submitted to office of BFIN by account payee cheque or deposited directly on the following Bank Account:
Contact Details
For any inquiries, please contact at the following address
Banking Finance and Insurance Institute of Nepal Ltd. (BFIN)
2nd Floor, Krishna Tower, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu