Fraudulent Behavior with Documents & Signature Forgery
Fraudulent Behavior with Documents & Signature Forgery
2023-07-22 - Sarlahi
We are pleased to inform you that Banking Finance and Insurance Institute of Nepal (BFIN) is organizing a one day training program on “Fraudulent Behavior with Documents & Signature Forgery” dated 06 Shrawan, 2080 (22 July, 2023) at Sita Palace Holiday Inn, Naya Road, Sarlahi.
This course is exclusively designed for Front Desk Employee, Loan Officers, Operations staff and tellers.
Resource Persons: Mr. Mukul Pradhan, Senior Scientific Officer, National Forensic Science Laboratory
We, therefore, request you to kindly nominate the officials to attend the training program and send us the nomination either by letter or email at within a week prior to the date of the program.