Training Program on Expected Credit Loss(ECL) in line with NFRS 9 Financial Instruments
We are pleased to inform you that Banking Finance and Insurance Institute of Nepal (BFIN) is organizing a two day training program on “Expected Credit Loss(ECL) in line with NFRS 9 Financial Instruments” dated 04-06 December, 2023 at Airport Hotel, Kathmandu, Nepal.
This course is exclusively designed for Personnel working in Credit Business, Support and Control role including Relationship Managers, Credit Officers, Project Financing, Credit Risk Management Department and Officials working in Account and Finance Department of BFIs.
The resource persons shall be the experts and professionals from Ernst & Young Financial Accounting Advisory Services (FAAS) and The Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC.
We, therefore, request you to kindly nominate the officials to attend the training program and send us the nomination either by letter or email at within a week prior to the date of the program.